Allah Almighty's Praise for His Prophet Is Unending
Sultan al-Awliya
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
29 July 2010 Lefke, Cyprus
O our Sultan al-Awliya! We are knowing nothing and we are asking to know and to learn, at least to be as the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying; (Mawlana Shaykh stands) man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa minhum, “Whoever imitates a group of people is from them.” (Mawlana Shaykh sits)
It is not except revelation revealed to him (53:4)
inn Allaha wa malaa`ikaatuhu yussalloona `ala 'n-Nabi, yaa ayyuha alladheena aamanoo salloo `alayhi was-sallimoo tasleemah.
Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (33:56)
Whom they are fee ghaayatu 'l-jahal, they are sinking in the biggest ignorance and darkness territories. Give more praising and laa maani`, Allah Almighty is going to be so pleased if anyone is praising His most praised one, the real deputy for Him Almighty. Yes. Look, O Salafiyoon and Wahhabi people. They are so greedy, always towards the t`azheem, glorifying of the Seal of Prophets (s) Why? Which harming will come to you if the praising for the Seal of Prophets (s) will be getting more and more? And you are in existence for his honor. T`azheemu 'n-Nabi, glorifying of the Seal of Prophets (s) and praising; and he is majestic! He is majestic! No one is possible to understand adnaa, the least understanding for the Seal of Prophets' (s) praising and glorifying from Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar! SubhaanAllah! Raghman `alaa anf Salafiyoon (in spite of the Salafis) and Wahhabiyyoon!
We are giving our most high glorifying to that most glorified one in the Divine Presence. At least you must understand that every time you are praying two raka`at, before finishing them, there is at-Tahiyyah (the supplication of heavenly greetings); at-tahiyyaatu lillahi, greetings, wa 's-salawaatu, and praises, wa 't-tayyibaatu lillah, (and all good things belong to) are for Allah. Then saying, as-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabiyyu (Mawlana Shaykh stands) For whom is this? You are praying every day at least 40 raka`ats, and at every time of prayer. (Mawlana shaykh sits) You are making at-Tahiyyah, heavenly greetings. If you are not saying, as-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabiyyu, “Greetings to You, O Prophet,” then there is no salaah, no prayer. Who is giving that “As-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi"? Who is saying this? Are you not understanding Arabic? Are you an `ajam, non-Arab, or Turk like me?
O Arabs! For what is Allah Almighty saying, “As-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi"? That khitaab, that addressing has never happened to anyone, personally. As-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi! Who is saying this O Salaafiyoon? Who is saying? Is He not Allah? As-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi! He is not saying, as-salaamu `alayka yaa Nabi, but saying, ayyuha, “O you.” [Denotes heavenly honorary greetings] Heavenly khitaab that never reached to any Creation, min Allah, from Allah to His `abd, to His servants; never happened directly, as in, "as-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi." No one is knowing the `uloowu 'l-qadr, “exalted value.” No one is knowing the li 'l-ghaayah, extreme, no one can reach, as-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.
Angels are saying, as-salaamu `alayka ayyuha 'n-Nabi, Allah khitaaban, wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Angels saying; malaku 'l-`alaa, not ordinary angels, but angels that are malaku 'l-`alaa, high level of angels. They are saying, "wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.” Mashaa-Allah, mashaa-Allah! At-tahleel, analyzing for tahiyyah; as-salaamu `alayka wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, as-salaamu `alaynaa. Rasool. Jibril (a) tammaam, as-salaamu `alaynaa wa `alaa `ibaadillahi 's-saaliheen, “Greetings upon us and upon Allah's righteous servants.” Whom are the `ibaadillahi 's-saaliheen, that they are those following that order and giving their most high respect to the most highly respected one in Divinely Presence.
Another question. You are `ulamas and saying you know everything. There is a question to Salafiyoon, to doctors of Shari`ah, to Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Allah, subhaanahu wa ta`ala, min Sifaatihi 'l-Uloohiyyah, one of the Divine Attributes is that Allah Almighty is Mutakallimun. Yes? Sifaatu l-Kalaam. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That is the divine attribute of Allah Almighty for speech or addressing, yes. Suwaal, question: kalaamullah qadeem, “Allah’s Ancient Word.” Qadeem maa al-ma`na? Qadeem, Eternal; from Eternity to Eternity, Allah Almighty is Mutakallimun. What are you understanding? Allah Almighty is sometimes speaking and sometimes not speaking? Sifaat, Divinely Attributes, yusheer `ala 'd-dawaam, “indicate continuity;” are continuous. Taateel maa fee, you can’t destroy it; Allah Almighty is speaking and His Divinely Speech never stops and is not taateel or ibtaal, “delayed.” And do you think Allah Almighty sometimes speaks and sometimes not? No, that is kufr! Allah Almighty is Mutakallimun, speaking with His Divine Attribute, that He has kalaam, He speaks.
Isma`a yaa Salaafiyoon hal taraa.... was Allah Almighty was speaking by Himself? He was speaking to Himself? What is that? If we are looking at a person who is sitting and speaking ti himself, we will say that if this person is speaking to himself, there must be something wrong with that person. Majnoon, "crazy." If a person is speaking all by himself, without addressing anyone, you are saying that this person is foolish, or is becoming, majnoon. Janna 'r -rajul, yahkee li haaluh, “The man is crazy, he speaks to himself.” Allah Almighty yahkee li haaluh, speaks to Himself? Qul! Say! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) You are `alim, you are `ulama. `Ulamas, mashaa-Allah, shoo `ulama anta?
Say! Allah Almighty was speaking to Himself for what? Bidoon, without a listener? Allah Almighty was speaking to Himself? For what? Or speaking to someone? There must be a mukhaatab, "addressee." If a person is yukhaatib, there must be a mukhaatab. Khateeb, if no jama`ah, listeners, his speech is foolishness. Do you ever see that a khateeb, like yourself, is getting up on a minbar, and no one is there, and you are speaking? People should say, “He is janna 'r- rajul, speaking tala `ala 'l-minbar an yahkee (going up on the minbar to speak) to himself? Majnoon!" Allah Almighty, that He has Divine Attributes from azali ila 'l-abad, “from pre-Eternity to Eternity.” To whom (was He addressing)? Who was mukhaatab? Who was addressed in the Divine Presence? Say! Who was? Say! It is a question!
If Allah Almighty is speaking by Himself, that is not from His Divinely Attribute. Allah Almighty not speaking and you are saying He has a Divinely Attribute that He speaks, yukhaatib, addressing? To whom? Without an addressed one, how are you addressing? Min kaan, in the Divine Presence, when Allah Almighty is addressing. Say; don't go like this or like that. Who was his addressed one?
(Mawlana Shaykh stands) He was addressing to Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Why are you not saying? Are you not ashamed, or are you not knowing? Why? Say that Allah never addressing to anyone, making Allah Almighty like a person, speaking by Himself, saying jannu 'r-rajul. Jan Rabbuna? Astaghfirullah. Allah Almighty is addressing and would there be no one who is addressed? He was speaking with His most beloved, most glorified and most majestic one, who is Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Raghman `alaa anfikum! (In spite of your noses) (Mawlana Shaykh sits)
They are `ulamas, scholars. Say! Say! Then don’t be greedy because your greediness is reaching to the Divine Presence, and Allah Almighty is going to curse the one who is going to be greedy towards His most beloved one. May Allah forgive us.
Barakaatak, mashaa-Allah.
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