Haqqani Fellowship Suhbats: MSH.10 OCT 2005.SECLUSION.POST

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Seclusion Part 10
Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
Fenton Zawiya | 10 October 2005


A`oodhu billahi min as-shaytan ir-rajeem bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem


Futuhat al-Khalwat


Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani


Nawaytu ’l-arba`een, nawaytu ’l-`itikaaf, nawaytu ’l-khalwah, nawaytu ’r-riyaadah, nawaytu ’l- `uzlah, nawaytu ’s-salook, nawaytu ’s-siyaam lillahi ta`ala fee haadha ’l-masjid


As we explained the people of Israel have in the chest that Taaloot’s sign to them they have the pictures of their Prophets. But if that was there, in the chest of the Prophet Muhammad (s), the chest of their hearts, khalawaat laysa feehim ghayrullah. In the chests of their hearts there are sections but they are secluded chambers empty from everything except dhikrullah and they are with their Lord and these are the Gnostics.

So for that reason the seclusion to put you by yourself in a cave or a room is wajib on every disciple, for every student, for every apprentice, by the order of his Shaykh. It cannot be by the order of himself. If by order of himself then his ego is sharing his seclusion. It must come from superiority and form the top because that is what the ego does not accept. The ego knows there is no way to be with the mureed if there is permission because if by permission of Shaykh the Shaykh will whip him. In that seclusion he will open for him a reality, there is nothing for him there except remembrance of Allah, and the secret will open for him and he will be carrying the chest of the heart. Not only the chest of the heart, but what is inside that chest. It means he will be able to open his heart and get what has been rooted of these six realities. Haqiqat al-jazbah, haqiqat al-fayd, haqiqat at-tawajjuh, haqiqat at-tawassul, haqiqat at-tayy, haqiqat al-irshaad; six realities that are given to every human being. These six realities cannot be opened until you enter and carry that Taboot, that chest and go into seclusion. In that chest are secluded chambers, there there are not pictures, but here is submission to the Prophet (s).

So he will be carrying those six realities, and whatever manifests from the Muhammadi secrets, and these secrets and wherever contains from Muhammadan secrets and asrara’r-rabbaniya and heavenly secrets (malakooti) and beautiful secrets and majestic secrets.

Asraara ’l-Muhammadiya, asraara’r-rabbaaniya, asraaran al-malakootiyya asraara’l-jamaaliyya and asraara ’l-jalaaliyya.

Five levels will open in the heart. Then he will be under the hadith of the Prophet  laa yasa`nee samaee wa laa ardaee wa laakin wasi`annee qalbi `abdee al-mu’min; My heavens did not contain Me nor my earth, but the heart of the believer contained Me.

Thus we understand and we deduce that if it was possible for Taaloot as a king to carry these knowledges by Allah’s to his heart, bi `ilmillah, Allah’s knowleege that he gave to him and in what he gave him superiority of body and knowledge, what do you think then, what happened to him?

What Allah gave to him is all these secrets that make him a knower and moving in the right direction. What do you think if Allah swt will give him ruh al-insaan. The human soul. If the human soul will be given the lordly heart, meaning the understanding of the Divine Presence, if it is given to that servant of Allah through his human soul, which is coming from his lord, if it is dressed with lordly power, kun fa-yakoon. Be and it will be then that for sure that person will be `alimun feema `ilm al-quloob – a knower of what is in the hearts of the people. He will be able to look in the hearts of people and know the secrets of the six secrets of each person; each one being different and none overlapping the other. He will be a gnostic and he will be able to understand the qudrat al-ilaahiyya- the Lordly Power. When he will be under that manifestation he will be given the kingdom and he will have kingship over it. What if you are given the heavenly kingly power? There are men who are kings on countries. But for awliya they are kings of hearts. There are no boundaries on them, they can reach their mureeds at any moment through their hearts. He will be  given to be a king and dressed with that lordship and given a kingdom and given sareer as-sultana, the bed of sultanhood, kingship.

You see these thrones that they sit on, the kings, they have it in Turkey Topkapi museum. That is sareer as-sultan, that is the bed of the king, throne. When you are given that throne what does that mean? It means everyone is your subject so you guide them through their hearts.

Wastawsafa bi kulli siffaat al-insaaniyyata he will be able to control, when Sayyidina Musa (as) hit the rock with the stick, how many different roads came? Twelve different asbaat, sibt means one who is coming from that line. That line of fatherhood and grandfather, and grandfather… up to Sayyidina Nuh (as), descendants. So he will be able to astawthaqa, to hold all these different descendants from the various lines and he will be able to control their human characteristics, siffat insaaniyya will be under his control.  So when he will be able to control that, he is controlling himself and controlling his followers. So then what happens? That wali will be able, as he is completely disconnected from dunya, fa laa yarkanu il ad-dunya al-maakira al-ghaddaara, he will never look at or stay in this worldly life that is betrayal and conspiring against you, wa yatahajara minha, and he will be able to control that and he will be migrating from dunya to akhira. He will leave it from that worldly life to heavenly life and he takes his followers with him.

At that moment he declares war against Jaaloot, who represents Satan or the ego, he declares the war against the enemy of Taaloot. And Sayyidina Dawud (as) killed him. And when you go in the way of Allah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet, the Prophet (s) will kill in you all the bad chars in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) when Shaykh brings you to that presence. You will declare war against al-nafs al-amaarah. Jaaloot is the char of the ego al-nafs al-amaarah, that is pushing you to do all kinds of wrong things.

Inna Jaaloota al-nafs al-amaarah.

Jaaloot is the self-ordering self that pushes you and conspires against you controlling your whole body by the power of Shaytan and the power of all kinds of bad gossips that come to the heart. That is how it controls. That is the characteristics of Jaaloot. That is why the Bani Israel said to their prophets, “we cannot take it anymore, there too many tyrants.”

Allah said to them, “You have to have a king.” Everyone must have a king. If you don’t have a king you are falling down. Bani Israel were clever; they knew they need a king.

We have to go to our Prophet (s) every night asking him “Ya Sayyidee ya Rasulullah,” with the guidance of our shuyukh, through our hearts saying ask, “Ya Rasulullah, Ya Najee Allah `azza wa jall. Ask Allah to send us a king. King means a teacher. `Iduhum li abaahim. Allah said in Quran: “Call them to their fathers.” The children, they carry the name of their father. You have to call them to their fathers. That is why you have to know who is your teacher; that is whoever guides you to the Presence of the Prophet.

If that power has been given to Taaloot, from the power of the human soul that carries the manifestation of the different Names and Attributes that are manifested in that soul, so what do you think of the soul of the Prophet? What do you think then of the soul of the inheritors of the Prophet (s), waarith rasulullah? Sultan al-awliya,Sultan of Saints, Ghawthi ’z-zamaan, Savior of the time, Saahib al-`asr, the Owner of the time. If Taaloot was given from Ruh al-insaan, and understood the secret of the soul of his people, what do you thinking of the one who is given from ar-ruh al-insaanu ’l-kaamil, the soul of the perfect human being. Who is perfect human being? It is Sayyidina Muhammad. That wali is far more higher than Taaloot, as he is taking from Sayyidina Muhammad (s), the perfect soul.

As a king, Taaloot was taking what Allah gave him from ar-ruh al-insaaniyyah, from the soul of human beings. But Sayyidina Muhammad (s) was the perfect soul he is higher. Not from a normal human being he is taking. You are taking form the perfect human being. Al-insan alladhee kamalahullah fee jamee`i siffaatihi? The insan that Allah has perfected in all his characteristics. Adabanee rabbee wa ahssana tadeebee. Sayyid al-kawnayn, Master of the two universes, heavens and earth, Rasul ath-thaqalayn Messenger of Jinn and Ins, Muhammadun rasulullah, understand o ye servant of Allah, Fahham ayyuhal `abd uz-zaleel.

It came like that, to me, o servant that you are sitting and doing seclusion, understand of how you are of a low quality, zull, base, very low.

You must humiliate yourself to go very low don’t raise your head, no one can raise his head. You have to keep your head down for your lord, Allah is great. If not for your Shaykh who brought you to this level and the presence of the Prophet, you would have been nothing, you are nothing. You are something with your Shaykh. On you to se what the Shaykh sees and to do what the Shaykh does. He is in the presence of the Prophet and the Prophet is in the presence of Allah swt. He is taking from the heart of the Prophet who is in presence of `alaam al-ghhuyub, he is giving those secrets to your heart. You have to understand if you want to go higher, you have to take initiation form a perfect completed Shaykh who is in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and we stop here and continue in the morning.


How nabeel taught him how to collect bills from the streets. Everyone at the Arabs stores and collects these receipts and goes to office and collects payment.


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