Haqqani Fellowship Suhbats: MSN.10 JUL 2010.PREPOST.ENG

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Technology Removes the Taste of Mankind's Real Life
Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim
10 July 2010    Lefke, Cyprus

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahuma salli wa salim wa barik wa sallam ... Sayyidina Muhammad wa `alaa aalihi wa saahbihi ... (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Thumma as-salaatu wa 's-salaam `ala jami`ee 'l-anbiya wa 'l-mursaleen wa man tabi`ahum ila Yawm ad-Deen. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbi al-`Alameen. Ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem, Maaliki Yawm ad-Deen. `Iyyaka na`budu wa `iyyaka nasta`een. Ihdina as-siraat al-mustaqeem, siraat alladheena an`amta `alayhim ghayri 'l-maghdoobi `alayhim wa la 'd-daalin. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

Allahu Akbar al-Akbar. Allahu Akbar al-Akbar.
Madad yaa Sahibu 'l-Waqt, yaa Sahibu 'l-Imdaad. Madad yaa RijaalAllah amidoona bi madadikum.

We are weak servants and we are sitting in a humble meeting
to hear something about spirituality, and we are asking to taste spirituality, spiritual pleasure. That is our humble request, to taste heavenly pleasure. People are just coming with heavy conditions, making them in such an uncarryable condition. Everywhere, from east to west, from north to south, on continents and on oceans, people are asking for something. But because they are heedless people, they are drunk, and trying to get out from heavy conditions covering the whole world, through continents and oceans.
For example, Man is under heavy conditions in a heavy winter. They are running to fire in their homes or huts, to find a good condition, because everywhere is just covered in winter conditions. They were outside in the lands when it was spring time, summer time, or a little bit autumn time, but the heavy conditions of winter time imprisoned them to very small places. But when winter was coming, they left everything outside and ran to a small area, from where they are never going to be able to get out for their pleasure, as in the three previous seasons.

O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum! Listen and try to understand. You are asking now about
past times when it was so easy to live and full with pleasure. But now they are in some conditions, imprisoned. The biggest balaa, cursing, on people now is technology. Technology is taking away freedom, pleasure and pleasement from people and imprisoning them, but they are not saying this! People are now thinking they reached the top point of civilization, but that is a declaration from shaytanic centers; Shaytan is making this. And now people are living in the worst conditions in their lives, the worst conditions! Look at their lives; there is no rest or comfort for them!
But they advertise that you are living in the best conditions. For what? For technology.

Shaytan is saying, "A century ago, you were carrying such heavy conditions, but now there are such comfortable conditions for you.
You are living in high-rise buildings!" Those are Nimrod's towers!
If you are asking to look, you must use telescopes to see Nabeel and Habeel. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) Yes, once I went up the Eiffel Tower and was not yet reaching to the last place to look. Halfway I was looking, and people were like fingers, yes. Now you are living in such towers and they are filling everywhere with skyscrapers, from where you are look down at people as fingers and at yourself as giants! (And Shaytan says) "A century before you were going a short distance on donkeys, horses or carts, beginning in the morning and reaching your destination in the evening. Now you are riding in your car and reaching in half-an-hour. Such comfort, such a high life we have prepared for you; now you may reach from east to west so quickly."

We understand, but do you think you are tasting a good tasting of life? No, that is taken away! You may move
from east to west in hours, but there is no taste for your journey, your homes, or your cars. Everything everything from your lives' taste has been taken from you until there is no taste! People are becoming like robots! "High technology" they are saying. That is the meaning of high technology: it is making people into robots. What does "robot" mean? Robots may speak, move, or do something, but without understanding anything and never tasting anything!
And now Man is like robots, eating but never tasting, drinking but never taking away thirst, doing something but not tasting anything. Robots never taste anything from life's pleasure or pleasement. But people are just following Shaytan's advertising everywhere, the new fashions, particularly for ladies, saying to them, "We must use new-fashion clothes one day and after second day, one week or one month throw them away."

People have no time to think about anything. They are not even learning in schools who are
we (as human beings). They are running after new fashions, new machines, a new "high life". Now they have no time, and that is the result of following Shaytan. And Shaytan now is commanding all Mankind, to carry them from happiness to hardship, saying, "Don't go that way. Follow this way, the best way for you. You will enjoy yourself." And what are they saying? "You may taste all your life." All that belongs to your physical being and the physical being is never giving a person enjoyment or pleasure.
Therefore, now we are calling people.

O our Attenders and all People! Don't be cheated by shaytanic advertising.
Everywhere you can find shaytanic advertising and it is endless and continuous. People think they reached somewhere. Their real aims are to live a happy life, in pleasure, but it is impossible; they can't do it. As much as technology is spreading, people's enjoyment is coming down, coming down, coming down and finally technology is making people like a carcass. If eating, they are not tasting; if drinking, not tasting; in dressing, they are not going to be pleased. Their lives are never giving them real pleasure.

O Salafi `ulamas! As-salaamu `alaykum. We must come to them.
 (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to someone in the room) Shaykh Nabeel is just running in such an ocean, forgetting, only looking. Now animals are enjoying more than Mankind because they never changed their life system, no. A donkey is happy, so happy that beginning in the morning once, hee haw. while you are making nothing, and at Dhuhr time they are very happy. For what? For a half-kilogram of barley; they are so happy! No technology for them! They never changed their life system and they are so happy, but Man changed their life system.

O Salafi `ulamas! You are `ulamas saying, "Salaaf as-Salih." Do you
think they changed their life system, that their lives were like your life system? Why are you claiming, "We are followers of Salaaf as-Salih." They were never riding on cars, but they were riding on camels. Why are you not riding on them for coming to mosques and to your tents? Were they living in Nimrood's towers? Why are you not saying, or advising to your heads that this is haraam? After two stories, angels are saying, "O enemy of the Lord of Heavens, are you not finding enough space for living and you are going up like Nimrood?" You don't know? You are saying you are reciting the Holy Qu'ran. What is Allah Almighty saying? (Mawlana Shaykh stands.)
إِنَّ أَرْضِي وَاسِعَةٌ فَإِيَّايَ فَاعْبُدُونِ
Inna ardee wasi`yatun fa iyyaaya fa`boodoon 
O My servants who believe! truly, spacious is My Earth: therefore serve ye Me - (and Me alone)!

Yes, ard is never-ending. Why are you not coming all together and saying? (Mawlana Shaykh sits.
) Why are you not saying to people, "O People! Don't come and crowd in a small space." Inna ardee wasi`yatun fa iyyaaya fa`boodoon. Why are you not giving that naseehah? You are only claiming, "We are Salafi `ulamas." Where were Salafi `ulamas living, on Nimrood's towers? Why are you not advising your kings, presidents and governing people? Muslims, why are you not giving naseehah? Inna ardee wasi`yatun fa iyyaaya fa`boodoon. Ard is wasi`ya, why are you coming and crowding in a small area, for what? 

Why are you not saying to people the hadeeth nabawi ash-shareef, (Mawlana Shaykh stands.)
من تشبه بقم فهو منهم
man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa-huwa minhum
Who imitates a people is one of them.

Why are you running to make as the non-believers are making? Why are you not advising, "Don't do this, don't do that.
" Which Shari`ah is allowing you to live in towers of Shaytan, towers of Nimrod? (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

That is the wrong way! Who is not giving their advice to people will be punished here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us. What shall we say?
We are only following the holy order, wa dhakkir; it is a holy command. If you are listening or not listening, the responsibility is on you! I am sorry to say that you are using all Anti-Christ ways in the holiest places on Earth, Meccatu 'l-Mukarrama and Madinatu 'l-Munawwara. I am fearing one day heavenly anger will reach and shake around those holy places. Then all who enjoy the highest points of towers, the Earth will shake and all of them will come under it! No one will reach them to find their bodies for ghusl, washing them, make a coffin or take them to the cemetery! That is also a warning to those who are only thinking about hayaat ad-dunya, this life's pleasures.

O People! O Muslims, and particularly Salafi `ulamas! Are you thinking that we have been created for the pleasure of this life, on this planet? We have been create
d for the Lord's servanthood! Docastors of Shari`ah! You are forgetting and not speaking about it; you are making Shari`ah ill, not making a treatment. And other `ulamas, Azhar `ulamas, famous ones, why are you not warning people about the signs of Qiyaamah? Judgment Day is just approaching!

O People!
Take your care not to die running after Shaytan, but try to die really running after Salaaf as-Salih, Sahaabah `ikram (r) and the Seal of Prophets (s). Ya fawzan lil-mustaghfireen. Every Jumu`ah they are saying this, but never making istighfaar; they are insisting on shaytanic ways. May Allah forgive us.


(40 minutes.)

Alhamdulillah, yaa Rabbee `afwak. Yaa Rabbee `afwak. Thanks to Allah Almighty and His beloved one, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen. O, yaa Rabbee.

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