When Kingdoms Were Destroyed, Allah Sent Tyrants
Sultan al-Awliyaa
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
4 October 2010 Lefke, Cyprus
(Mawlana Shaykh stands)
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Qadeer Allah
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah
Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alaa habeebik al-Mustafa, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen. Ameen. Wa `alaa jami`eei 'l-Anbiya wa 'l-Mursaleen wa man tabi`ahum bi `ihsaan `ila Yawm ad-Deen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits)
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. We are running away from devils because they are calling people to evil. Devils are calling people to evil and prophets are calling people away from evil to good things. Shaytan is calling people to fall into hells, and prophets are calling people to Paradise. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) And we are saying, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, "By the Name of Allah Almighty, All Merciful, the Most Beneficent and Most Munificent. (Mawlana Shaykh sits)
O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. Give value to yourself. Who is valuable? You must ask, and you must try to be from those valuable ones, yes. Therefore, I am calling to Salafi `ulamas, marhaban, marhaban! And we are saying, marhaban! In the Holy Qur'an, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Almighty is saying on the Day of Resurrection to some servants, marhaban bikum, "Welcome to you!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) And there is another group that angels are saying to them, laa marhaban bikum, "No welcome to you!" Yes. SubhaanAllah, the Holy Qur'an is oceans! It's holy verses are trying to teach people something that gives them value, and other holy verses are making clear to some people that they are not valuable.
O our Attenders! As you like: if you are happy to be a valuable one, good! If you are not taking care, saying, "It doesn't matter, leave them," you will be from the second group of Mankind, those who are of no value.
O our Salafi `ulamas! Make it clear to your followers. Wahhabi people are no-minded, never understanding, so leave them as they are ghayri mukallaf, with no responsibility. There is no "mindly product" for them and they are not trying to understanding anything. Teach them which things are making a person valuable and which things are making a person of no value. SubhaanAllah, Glory for Allah Almighty!
People in our days are never interested to know the value of the Children of Adam, who are valuable and who has no value. The prophets' first missions were to teach people who will be valuable and who will be of no value, beginning from Adam (a). His two sons, Habeel and Qabeel, show what happened with two brothers. All holy books, including the Holy Qur'an, are making it clear for all of the Children of Adam. One was Habeel and the second, Qabeel. Qabeel killed his brother and fell into a dirty place, where Man puts things of no value, like the WC (toilet), for example. He was thrown there with no value. The valuable one was Habeel, and we are saying for him, `alayhi salaam, "Peace be upon him," and we are saying for Qabeel, "May heavenly cursing be upon him." Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem.
O Salafi `ulamas! There is nothing in the Holy Qur'an except what teaches the Children of Adam, those who are valuable ones and those who are of no value. Those who are following the way of Habeel (a) are valuable people. Those who are following the dirty way of Qabeel are people of dirtiness, of sewage channels, and they are thrown away, with no value.
O Salafi `ulamas! First of all, you must make this point to all people. You may begin with kings and sultans, then princes, then people with high positions in their communities. All high-level people use titles that are not coming from Heavens, but they are giving those titles to each other as they like.
O our Attenders! Marhaban, common people, and marhaban, Salafi `ulamas! You are making a distinction between yourselves and common people. Say! Are you valuable, or are common people valuable? What is your standard to determine who is valuable and who is not? Why are you not making it clear, Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas? What is your opinion about the president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak? You, Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas, say! Is Hosni Mubarak from valuable ones or is his predecessor, Abdel Nassar, a valuable one? Iranian people, we may ask what is your opinion? Is the Shah of Iran valuable, or is the Ayatollah valuable? Say! We are asking Turkish people, what about you? Is the sultan valuable or is the first or second president more valuable in the Divine Presence? Say!!
Don't cheat people!! Speak truth!! That is our honor, to say what is true! They are thinking, "We are giving value." People may think that it gives a person value if millions of people are running after them, but don't think he is a valuable one; he may be of no value. And we are saying this to other countries, that if the whole world is saying he is a good one and they applaud him, still he might not be a good one, and there might be no value for that one! Today we are living in the time of jabaabira, the era of tyrants. All tyrants are no-value ones in the Divine Presence and will never be addressed, marhaban bikum, "Welcome to you!"
O Salafi `ulamas! Is what we are saying true, or are we cheating people? Say! Are tyrants valuable? Jaabiraat ul-jabaabira. As the Seal of Prophets was saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)
سيكون من بعدى خلفاء ثم من بعد الخلفاء امراء ثم من بعد الامراء ملوك ثم من بعد الملوك جبابرة ثم يخرج رجل من اهل بيتى يملأ الارض عدلا كما ملئت جورا ثم يؤمر القحطانى فو الذى بعثنى بالحق ما هو دونه
Sayaatee min ba`dee khulafaun wa min ba`d al-khulafaun umarraun wa min b`ad al-umarau mulookan wa min ba`d al-mulook jabaabira.
There will come after me caliphs, and after caliphs will come princes, and after princes, kings and after kings will come tyrants...
That is the Seal of Prophets' announcement for all nations! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. Astaghfirullah. Open hadith books, Salafi `ulamas, open Jami` as-Saghir and see what the Seal of Prophets was saying. Who is Nabi? Nabi is that one who tells what is coming in the future, informing people of future big events. The Sahaabah (r) were anxious to know who was coming for the ummah after the Seal of Prophets (s), and he said:
عليكم بسنتي، وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين من بعدي، عضوا عليها بالنواجذ
`alaykum bi-sunnatee wa sunnat al-khulafah ar-raashideen, al-murshadeen al-mahdiyeen min ba`dee Abu Bakr, `Umar, Uthman, `Ali.
Follow the way of the Rightly Guided Caliphs (who are) the guiding and guided ones after me. ( Abu Bakr, `Umar, Uthman and `Ali ).
Min khulafah. If he was saying, sayaatee min ba`dee khalifah sawfa yabqa illa wahid, "After me will come a khalifah," there would only have been one, but he said, "khulafah (plural)," bi ayyihim iqtadaytum ihtadaytum.
O Salafi `ulamas! Is there anything wrong? Say! He (s) said, min ba`d al-mulook jabaabira.
The Ottoman emperor, the sultan was thrown out and after that came jabaabira, tyrants, in Egypt, Libya, Baghdad, and Iran. And after the fall of their kings, tyrants came to Russia also, to non-Muslim people, and to Germany,France, China, and Afghanistan. Tyrants came to different countries after they threw out their sultans and kings! We are in the time after that, and there is no value for jabaabira.
O Salafi `ulamas! Say! Why are you not preserving this history? Say the truth. In Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and in Greece, they pushed their monarchies out. Only Great Britain kept their kings and Her Majesty, the Queen. Even Spain is now under jabaabira! They are not happy to hear this, but you must say, "O our Lord, we did wrong! Forgive us." If not, they will be punished with a heavy punishment. And all troubles, all sufferings, and all wars were after jabaabira, tyrants on this Earth. May Allah (swt) forgive us.
O Salafi `ulamas! To whom will the angels say, marhaban bikum, "Welcome to you," and to whom will it be said, laa marhaban bikum, "No welcome to you!" All tyrants and their followers will not have heavenly pleasure, and to them it will be said, "No welcome to you!" O our Lord! Forgive us and send us someone that You promised, to take away tyrants!
Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said:
thumma yakhruju rajulun min ahli baytee yamla ardu qistan wa `adlan kama muliyyat dhulman wa joora.
There will come (after tyrants) a man from my family. He will fill the Earth with justice and balance as it was (before) filled with darkness and oppression.
Try to learn what they are telling me to address you. If you are happy, you will be happy ones here and Hereafter. If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy ones here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits)
(31 minutes) (1,138) Mashaa-Allah. Allahu Akbar. Alhamdulillah, shukran lillah.
(Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.)
Yaa Rabbee, shukr. Yaa Rabbee, shukr. Yaa Rabbee, shukr.
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