Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
17 May 2010 Lefke, Cyprus
I am establishing in the earth a deputy. (2:30)
"I am bringing a new creature, and they will be deputies on Earth." (2:30) And it is so full of such secrets that are like oceans! Angels may look at the surface of oceans but they do not know what is in them or how deep the oceans are. They are only looking as we now look to an ocean, at the water, but beyond that we do not know. And angels are seeing, "That is an ocean." To say khaleefah, "deputy," angels only know an understanding from that holy verse. But to where this reaches, from where it begins and where it ends, they do not know. They are saying, "Oh, khaleefah. SubhaanAllah, that holy verse is like an ocean: Innee ja`ilun fi 'l-ardi khaleefah.
Allahu akbar.
Therefore, the angels were surprised and said, "O our Lord. You are creating a deputy on Earth, fi 'l-ardi khaleefah?" No-one knows their real position about that new Creation, or what is the Creator's reason for creating a khaleefah on Earth. It means dunya, Earth, was created before. When it was created, no one knows, only He knows. Who was on Earth? Was it without a khaleefah? And that declaration means time and space do not exist. And He said, "I do not say 'creating', I say I am 'appointing' a new creature who was in My Secret Oceans. I am taking from Secret Oceans and putting on Earth."
This must be. Don't say, "creating." It was already in the Divine Presence. We can never know the beginning of their existence, and He asked to bring it into existence so people see that this Earth is never going to be without an owner. And the Lord of Heavens declared to heavenly beings because He wanted angels' worlds to know about their creation and their beings. Who was Allah Almighty asking the angels to know? For whom were they created?
O 'Ulamas! As-salaamu `alaykum. We must clarify the meanings of holy verses from the treasures of wisdoms and knowledge that were granted to that one! And we are asking to make clear for whom this Creation was prepared; it was not for angels. The Lord of Heavens is making it clear by saying, Inni ja`ilun fi 'l-ardi khaleefah, "I am putting (on this Earth) that khaleefah, deputy." A deputy can't be just anyone, especially Allah Almighty's deputy, because He is from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Allah Almighty is not in need of a khaleefah to be after Him. He is
هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ
Huwa 'l-Awwal wal-aakhir ad-Zhaahir wa 'l-Baatin
He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Hidden. (57:3)
“He is the First and the Last, the One Whom you can't see and the One Whom you can't know.” Allah Almighty was asking to bring a new Creation from what was in the Divine Presence, to show `Alam al-Malakoot, the World of the Heavenly Kingdom, to show that heavenly people know for whom this Creation was created, and what was the real goal for bringing that deputy on this Earth. That is important.
O Salafi 'Ulamas! You must try to make your understanding much sharper. You must not imprison your understanding and close your understanding so that it is only on what you cannot touch--right hand, left hand, front and back, up and down. It is a new opening for a new Creation to come into existence. And you must know, O `ulamas, Azhari 'sh-shareef `ulamas and Shi`a `ulamas, and every kind of religious people, you must understand and you must declare according to the level of common people. We are common people, we are coming, running, falling down, but for what? For what? A saleem (person of pure understanding) asks, "Why are we here? Why have we been put on this planet? What is the real wisdom for us to come in existence?" O `ulamas, you must clarify that point to people, that heavenly people have been created for some unexpected honor. We are heavenly people! That is from reality, and people will know we are in existence for this purpose, then they shall reach contentment!
All prophets came, peace be upon all of the them, particularly on the Seal of Prophets (s). Madad yaa Sultan al-Anbiya. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Their real mission is that they have been clothed from the heavens so that our beings may reach to heavenly beings! But on this planet we have been dressed from four elements: earth, water, fire, and air. Our real being is covered and imprisoned in these four elements, like an egg under a hen becomes a chick. Now we are trapped here in these four elements, which are necessary for our real being to exist in this level of life on Earth. It takes hens three weeks to hatch a chick. For Mankind's real beings to appear, for some it takes years, for some only months, and their death is an opening through which they see the real being. And they will then be on an unexpected level; from this life surrounded by the four elements they cannot expect that.
Allah Almighty is saying:
وَنَفَخَ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِهِ
Wa nafakha feehi min roohihi.
and breathed into him of His spirit. (32:9)
“He blew in him from His breath.” O `ulamas, what is that? Are you understanding Holy Qur'an? Where is Holy Qur'an and where are our levels? This is the most simple level for making people to understand about themselves. What is Allah Almighty saying? Wa nafakha feehi min roohihi. What is that? Do you know? What was blown for Man? Min roohihi. What is that rooh? What is that unknown identity granted to Mankind? SubhaanAllah. Say, give a meaning! Wa nafakha feehi min roohihi. If you are `ulamas, say, what is that min roohihi? You must learn and you must teach people their heavenly positions granted from the Divine Presence to them, and then people may run and may do their best to be ahal, qualified for that honor! And when that opening comes, endless blessings come on them! Therefore, we have been ordered from the beginning up to end to do our best, so that we can reach the best level, the best position, the best understanding, the best qualifying, to be in our Lord's Divine Presence! Don't think the Divine Presence is one level; it is countless levels!
Try to reach and touch and enter those countless levels! Now they are veiled for our beings, because we have been created from al-`anaasir al-arba`a, the four elements. Allahu akbar! And now we are in heedlessness. Shaytan is running after the most honored Creation to make them not do their best. Shaytanic beings urge Mankind to do their worst and prophets came and said, "O people, do your best!" Shaytan comes and says, "No. To do your best is no good for you. Come and follow me. I am teaching you such ways that you will be so happy, in such pleasure, happiness and enjoyment!" Therefore, only a few people accept holy ones who are calling, "O people, come and do your best!” The majority are following shaytanic teachings. Shaytan tries to put the worst things in the minds of people, putting countless veils to prevent them from reaching the Divine Presence!
May Allah forgive us.
O People! Come and listen and try to understand that you have been created for understanding! If you are not understanding yourself, you cannot understand Who created you! May Allah forgive us. Astaghfirullah.
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
Dome, dome, dome, dome
(45 minutes) Too much. (Mawlana Shaykh smiles, prays two raka`ats shukr.)
(Shaykh Hisham gives salaams and many people are giving salaams.) Where is Shaykh Hisham? (In Indonesia.) Mashaa-Allah, give my salaams and salaams to everyone. Alhamdulillah.
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