Haqqani Fellowship Suhbats: MSH.17 DEC 2010.Khutbah.PREPOST.ENG

Thursday, January 6, 2011

MSH.17 DEC 2010.Khutbah.PREPOST.ENG

We Have Entered the Time of Complete Ignorance

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

17 December 2010    Condet, Indonesia
Jumu`ah Khutbah at al-Alawi Mosque

O Believers who are present! Observe Allah and obey Him.

إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ إتَّقوا وَّالَّذِينَ هُم مُّحْسِنُونَ

Inns Allaha ma`a aladheen attaqaw wa aladheen hum muhsinoon.

For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good.(Al-Nahl, 16:128)

O Believers! Observe Allah and be with the sincere ones. Being with the sincere ones is what is going to save us from the different temptations and forms of fitna and ignorance that has now become widespread amongst Muslims and the whole world. This is a sign of the end of times and Judgment Day as Allah (swt) has mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an:

اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ

iqtarabati 's-sa`ati wanshaqa 'l-qamar.

The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Suratu'l-Qamar, 54:1)

The moon was split at the time of Prophet (s) and it has continued to remain split since then until Judgment Day. The moon has no bonds or links, and is round and circulates the Earth. What is this power found in the moon to make it circulate? What is this power found in the Earth to make it circulate? Allah (swt) is showing us miracles that could not have appeared in the past days, but nowadays we are seeing, as a reality between our hands, what Prophet (s) has spoken of.

O Muslims! We have to go back to Allah! Prophet mentioned that at the approach of the end of times, knowledge will be lifted and ignorance will prevail. Today we do not see `ulama like in the past. There are `ulama here and there, but where are the `ulama of Ahlu ’l-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah? Where are they, from guiding people to the truth of matters? Where are they, from the love of Allah (swt) and His Prophet (s)? Allah (swt) mentioned in His holy book:

قل لا إسئلكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة فى القربى

qul laa as’alakum alayhi ajran illa al-mawadata fi 'l-qurba.

I have not asked you any reward for it, except the love of my close ones. (Al-Shurah, 42:23)

Muslim `ulama today do not pay attention to the love of Prophet (s), and this is the situation that has put us under the feet of the West. We have all become slaves to the West, because our `ulama are the ones who are guiding us, but we do not see complete guidance from them, except a few in Pakistan, Yemen, Mauritania, or here or there. And this is what Prophet (s) had mentioned, that knowledge will be lifted, not by the Qur'an being lifted, but by the passing away of `ulama and there are no replacement for Ahlu ’l-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah. There are replacements for other types of `ulama who are not from Ahlu ’l-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah, or from the lovers of Prophet (s), but you are the lovers of Prophet (s)!

O loved ones! O Lovers! Mashaa-Allah, Allah made you spread the love of Prophet in the Far East with chanting qasa'id. This is what has been asked of us. قل لا إسئلكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة فى القربى It means, through your qaseedas, your work, and your spreading of the teachings, you are spreading the love of the Family of the Prophet (s). The day of Ashura just passed, the day when Sayyidina al-Hussain (a) was killed, because he promised, and delivered his promise! A believer always delivers his promise! He delivered what he promised to the people of Baghdad. How painful and shocking that he was killed by their arrows and their swords!

O Muslims! Prophet (s) said that ignorance will increase. Today ignorance is everywhere: ignorance of Qur’an, hadeeth, and ignorance of honor/law, and ignorance of the hadeeth of Prophet (s):

يحشر المرء مع من أحب          

yuhshar al maru ma`a man ahab.

A person will be with those whom he loves, here and on Judgment Day.

If we were from the lovers of Prophet (s), we will be with him on the Last Day, and why don’t we say that maybe we will be with him in this world, and see him with our physical eyes as well? What is the barrier? If Allah wants something to happen it will be: kun fa ya koon. If Allah (swt) wills, and the will of the beloved Prophet is from the will of Allah, if Allah wills for us to see our beloved chosen Prophet (s), then there will be no barrier!

O Brothers! Many of the `ulama of Ahlu ’l-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah and of those who have worshiped Allah (swt) in goodness and difficulties day and night, have seen Prophet (s) with their physical eyes. We are asking Allah and hoping to see Prophet (s), as Imam as-Sayuti (r) mentioned in the interpretation of the hadeeth of Prophet

من رآنى فى الرؤية فسيرانى حقا

mann ra’anee fi 'r-ru'yata fa-sayaranee haqqan.

Whoever sees me in a spiritual vision will see me in reality.


Imam Suyuti explained that every Muslim will see Prophet (s) on the Last Day at the major intercession, and many non-Muslims will also see Prophet (s) and hope for his intercession. But intercession belongs to him, and he knows best who will ask for it and who will get it. As Imam Suyuti interpreted the hadeeth, "Whoever sees Prophet (s) in a vision will see him during his life in this world," we are waiting for these good tidings to see our beloved Prophet, in vision as well as in reality!

O Muslims! We are at a time that is about to end with a state of complete ignorance, and this is what Prophet (s) spoke of: when ignorance and haraj and maraj increase. When Abu Hurayra (r) asked Prophet (s), "What is harrj and marrj?" Prophet (s) said, “Killing, killing." How much killing is there between Ahlu ’l-Sunnah, and who are their killers? You know who are their killers! We do not want to look into this issue now, but their killers are the enemies of Ahlu ’l-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah and they are the enemies of lovers and loved ones, the enemies of the Family of Prophet (s)!

O Muslims! Purify your intentions with sincerity for Allah (swt), and make the love of Prophet (s) at the top of your priorities! Pray upon him day and night! He is our intercessor, as he has said:

شفاعتى لأهل الكبائر من أمتى            

Shafa`atee li ahl al-kaba’ir min ummatee.

My intercession is for those from my nation who have the biggest sins.

O Allah! Do not make us from Ahl Al-Kaba'ir, the People of Great Sin, and if we were, may Prophet (s) intercede for us! We hope that Allah will keep us with Prophet on the Day of Judgment; with prophets, sincere ones, witnesses and good ones. What best companions would we have other than them?

O Muslims! O good servants of Allah! Time is passing and moving, and death is coming; there is no escape, so let us prepare ourselves for that Day. On the Day of Promises, when Allah (swt) promised his servants, He said:

لا يستأخرون ساعة و لا يستقدمون         

La yasta’akherouna sa’ahttan wa la yastaqdemouna.

They will not come late or early one hour or early. (Yunus, 10:49)

No matter what we do, death is coming. So pray upon beloved Prophet (s) as Allah (swt) has said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا

inna Llaha wa malaa`ikatahu yusalloona `ala 'n-nabi, yaa ayyuhal-ladheena aamanoo salloo `alayhi was sallimoo tasleema.

Verily, Allah and His angels send praise on the Prophet. O Believers! Pray upon him and greet him.  (33:56)

Through praying upon him he will intercede for us. He is seeing and hearing and is aware of what we are doing, through the power of Allah (swt), so do not let yourself be rigid in the presence of Prophet (s), but be happy through your prayers upon Prophet (s), and in coming to his presence with all the power!


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