Haqqani Fellowship Suhbats: No One in their Gathering Will Suffer

Sunday, April 26, 2009

No One in their Gathering Will Suffer

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Allah sent the Prophet (s) as mercy, he is the mercy for all

Allah created the creation but there is a secret that awliyaullahreceived from the heart of the Prophet and they leak it out to their followers but not everything.

I will say a few words, when Allah swt created He didn’t create yet anything, according to the hadith of the Prophet narrated by ibn Asaakir.

before Allah created anything Allah created the essence of the Prophet (s), the reality of the Prophet (s).

and He put that essence, it needs a very highly holy
divinely house.

Allah will not create without creating what goes with it. And Allah described it in Holy Qur'an as a lamp.

نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا
كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ

Allahu nooru as-samaawaati wa’l-ard. mathalu noorihi ka-mishkaatin feeha misbaah. Al-misbaahu fee zujaajatin az-zujaajatu ka-annaha kawkabun durriyy.

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. TheParable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star… 24:35

This creation is like a lamp and He put the essence of His Holy Prophet in a kawkabun durri, in a heavenly pearls, heavenly pearly, from pearls, which we can speak about jewels as pearls are mainly white. A lamp that he put His Prophet, the essence, that there it will be more under Allah's direct manifestation.

That is why it is impossible to compare, there is not comparison. You are something and the Prophet (s) is everything. So Allah was manifesting His Light and His Beauty on that essence. And He put that in bahr al-qudrah the Ocean of Power, and that essence was whirling like an engine, turning and generating more and more lights.

So when the Prophet (s) was under that manifestation Allah asked him a question: "who am I and who are you?" O professor ibn Waqqaar!

Allah asked him, “Who am I and who are you? The Prophet (s) said, “Ya Rabbee! Anta al-Qahaar, You are the Subduer is there any other word [for Qahhaar] in English? Yeah but al-Qahaar is the One that crushes everything. The Destroyer who destroys everything. And he said, " wa ana al-`abd - I am the servant."

He didn’t say "a servant" he said, “ana al-`abd - I am the servant.”

It means there is no other `abd that really worshipped as the Prophet (s) worshipped, so there is no comparison.

And Subduer, in the meaning is what? It is the One that crushes, makes something that exists doesn’t exist. He didn’t say to him, “Ya Rabbee you are al-Razzaq; You are al-Hakeem; You are al-Wadud. No, he said, "You are al-Qahaar.”

He didn’t say, "You are al-Rahman and al-Raheem.” Because the Prophet (s) knows what he is saying.

We don’t say, "Ya Rabbee! You are al-Qahaar” because we are afraid of His qahr, He will destroy.

We say, "You are Rahman, al-Rauf, al-Sattaar,” but he said, "You are The Destroyer; The Terminator; nothing exists before The Exterminator. He is a medical doctor, is that correct? [all are correct]

And Allah said, "What do you mean Ya habeebee? Define.”

Who can define there? Can anyone define? No. Can anyone stand this position that the Prophet (s) stands in? No way.

And he said, “Ya Rabbee, did you create anyone yet?” Allah swt said " Ya Muhammad (s) you are the first to be created, so I didn’t create anyone.” The Prophet (s) said, “Ya Rabbee! You didn’t create creation and you are al-Qahaar, the Subduer. That means to me that You are the One that crushes all kinds of sins, [subhanAllah]that You will not let one sin to exist. You are the al-Qahaar, to qahr, to make sins to disappear. That is what I want from you, Ya Rabbee! To terminate and destroy and crush all sins that Your creation is going to do.”

He knew, he was able to see with what Allah gave to him and he said, “What about your description of al-`abd?”

He said, “Ya Rabbee, to me al-`abd is the one who in every moment is in continuous need of your mercy. [subhanAllah] not only when... this is Holy Prophet (s) who is saying, not from time to time, no but in every moment from the beginning of my creation to the end, when there is no end, “I am in need of your presence in dunya in akhira, I am in need always to be under Your Mercy.”

Allah said, " Ya Muhammad (s)! I created for you an Ummah that never gets tired of doing sins and I am their Lord that I never get tired of forgiving them.”

So what do you think now about we just finished dhikrullah, [whether] we were doing it correctly or with mistakes or whatever. The hadith of the Prophet (s), the holy hadith that Allah revealed to the Prophet (s) and the Prophet (s) revealed to the Ummah that “Allah has angels that are roaming in the streets – inna lillahi malaikatu yatufooona feet-turuqaat,
yatalamsoona majalis ahl adh-dhikr
. They are roaming looking for the circles of dhikr like telephones roaming with you. That is an authentic hadith of the Prophet (s) and it is a long hadith where Allah asks them “do they know about My Mercy and do they know about My Paradise and do they know about My Hellfire…?” until He says at the end of the hadith to the angels, “fashhad annee ghafarta lahum – be My witnesses that I have forgiven them their sins.”

Sitting half an hour and Allah says, “O my angels you are my witnesses that I have forgiven them.” And the angels say “O there was one who was just waiting to take the keys of the car from one of them [is he included as well?]” Allah says, “hum ul-qawm la yashqa jaleesahmu.” “I am forgiving him for being with them, even though he is not part of that group.”

So we spent half an hour, doing dhikr do you think there will be any sin on us? No, that is a holy hadith of the Prophet (s). I was going to finish without doing dhikr but my shaykh came and said “do the dhikr and do the long dhikr even.” And I recited that as I saw new faces they will get the baraka of that dhikr.

And may Allah keep us on the right way and keep us connected with our shuyukh and especially with our master Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani, may Allah give him long life and give us.

1 comment:

  1. SubhanAllah Mercy Oceans from Mercy Oceans
